2018/02/07 17:52 公開 Veronica make me so sad so many gacha(like 60-70 gacha for Veronica) 4star weapon and 5star sub. but too weak to fight.......no way to get in party's squad...haaaa.....sexy but..useless... Ys リンクをコピーしました 前の旅日誌 旅日誌一覧 次の旅日誌 コメント 1 kbysd ID: wj5ukf3kc2wk veronica is goddess 2018/02/07 18:08 2 シリウス ID: xc8ns8usesvf Sexy is enough reason to put her into the party ftw:)...and yes there is always a chance of her skill to be improved by Aiming... 2018/02/07 18:11
ID: wj5ukf3kc2wk
veronica is goddess
ID: xc8ns8usesvf
Sexy is enough reason to put her into the party ftw:)...
and yes there is always a chance of her skill to be improved by Aiming...