2024/09/25 11:36 公開 Missing hand spinner 雑日誌 初心者 got all the way to Nero and picked up the quest but now i have no idea where to go next!! LIV リンクをコピーしました 前の旅日誌 旅日誌一覧 次の旅日誌 コメント この発言は削除されました(2024/09/25 12:01) 1 2 アレックス ID: xdi24dc4xiff The best time to find the fidget spinner is after you've transformed into all the other races. It's very difficult.This is a unique end-game quest.First, go to the book icon in the top left of Nero's map and transform into another race. 2024/09/25 12:08
この発言は削除されました(2024/09/25 12:01) 1
ID: xdi24dc4xiff
The best time to find the fidget spinner is after you've transformed into all the other races. It's very difficult.
This is a unique end-game quest.
First, go to the book icon in the top left of Nero's map and transform into another race.